Are you a horse owner and/or caretaker and would you like to make an important contribution to research of the faculty of Veterinary Medicine? Then please fill out our survey on client expectations regarding veterinary services.

During your horse’s life you will have contact with a veterinarian, whether you like it or not. The reasons why can be quite different, from the routine, annual vaccination to acute care when something is really wrong. Of course, as a horse owner or caretaker, you want the best possible care for your horse(s). Right? But what does the best possible care mean for you? Which aspects do you find most important in a certain situation?
At the Faculty of Veterinary Medicine of Utrecht University in The Netherlands, we are interested to find out what you, as a horse owner/ carer, expect from your veterinarian in various situations, from a pre-purchase to a lameness examination, from vaccination to colic. With the results, we hope to help veterinarians to better respond to your wishes and expectations, and of course to provide your horse with the best possible care. To realize this we need your help! Help us by filling out this survey. Completion will take 10 to 15 minutes. The survey’s opening page allows you to set the language in the upper right corner.
Seven apsects for client satisfaction
We know from previous research that there are seven aspects that determine how satisfied horse owners are with their veterinarian: quality of care, quality of service, horsemanship (of the vet), financial aspects, professionalism, interpersonal skills and knowledge transfer.
Research among vets
Good to know; we start with you as a horse owner and/or care taker. Are you a vet? Then wait, in a few weeks, the version will follow in which we submit similar questions to veterinarians. In this way, we can compare whether the expectations of horse owners and caretakers match those of veterinarians.